Discover the power of Bhu-Aadhaar: Unique Land Parcel Identification Number (ULPIN) and its array of benefits.

Bhu-Aadhaar Unique Land Parcel Identification Number (ULPIN)

ULPIN is part of the Digital India Land Modernization Program (DILRMP). It involves assigning a 14-digit specific number to individual land parcels, and creating a standard identification system to avoid mistakes. This system plays a key role in property management, land administration, and real estate transactions.

How it’s working?

  1. The plot will be geotagged with GPS technology that helps Find the exact physical location of that land.
  2. Measurement of Boundaries of Such land is Done by Physical Examination.
  3. Name of the Owner/Series/Details of That Area is Collected.
  4. After Getting all the Information Records of That Land Will be Entered into the Management System.
  5. The system Will Generate a 14-digit Bhu-Aadhaar Number Automatically.
  6. This Number will be Connected with a Digital Record of that Land.

What Information is There in Bhu-Aadhaar-Card?

  1. Bhu-Aadhaar Is Made the Same as the Aadhaar card.
  2. It contains state code, district code, subdistrict code, and village code.
  3. It Contains a Unique Registration Number of Plot Assigned to All Specific Pieces of Land.
  4. This Number Is Presented in Both Digital and Physical Records of the Land Document.
  5. Even If the Land Is Transferred, the Bhu-Aadhaar Number will be the Same.
  6. In the case of dividing such land, the number will also remain the same.
  7. Bhu-Aadhaar Number Will be same for Physical Boundaries of That Land.

Author: Sonal Patel