ULPIN is part of the Digital India Land Modernization Program (DILRMP). It involves assigning a 14-digit specific number to individual land parcels, and creating a standard identification system to avoid mistakes. This system plays a key role in property management, land administration, and real estate transactions.
How it’s working?
- The plot will be geotagged with GPS technology that helps Find the exact physical location of that land.
- Measurement of Boundaries of Such land is Done by Physical Examination.
- Name of the Owner/Series/Details of That Area is Collected.
- After Getting all the Information Records of That Land Will be Entered into the Management System.
- The system Will Generate a 14-digit Bhu-Aadhaar Number Automatically.
- This Number will be Connected with a Digital Record of that Land.
What Information is There in Bhu-Aadhaar-Card?
- Bhu-Aadhaar Is Made the Same as the Aadhaar card.
- It contains state code, district code, subdistrict code, and village code.
- It Contains a Unique Registration Number of Plot Assigned to All Specific Pieces of Land.
- This Number Is Presented in Both Digital and Physical Records of the Land Document.
- Even If the Land Is Transferred, the Bhu-Aadhaar Number will be the Same.
- In the case of dividing such land, the number will also remain the same.
- Bhu-Aadhaar Number Will be same for Physical Boundaries of That Land.